What makes a church missional?

This author asserts that a church that isn’t reaching out both locally AND globally isn’t truly “missional.”

What do you think? And what is the best way to “reach” globally, in your opinion?

I think he makes a good point here:

[“The encouragement for each person to be on mission (to be “missional”) has trended toward a personal obligation to personal settings, rather than toward a global obligation to advance God’s kingdom among all the nations.

“Missional” has merged with privatized Christianity to serve as the reason for personal projects carried out in personal spheres. This is not bad, necessarily. But when the missional impulse is not expanded to include God’s global mission, it results in believers moved only to minister in their own Jerusalems with no mind toward their Judeas, Samarias, and uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8).]

I’m a huge fan of short term and long term trips. I’ve been on many short-term (two week to month long trips) all over the world and though I’ve always returned to the United States changed forever, my eyes having been opened to the Church universal and the heart of God for the WORLD (and not just for the United States), that was never my goal in going.

As a believer, I take Mark 16:15 quite literally and I believe we’re supposed to actually GO – daily into our workplaces and communities, but also in to all the world.

 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.  16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.  

So, what do you think? Is your church truly “missional?” And even more importantly, are YOU missional? It’s great to join your heart to a missional community, but if you don’t join the vision, you’re not fulfilling the call on your life as a believer. I’m realizing that I don’t “go” enough. I need to start thinking about taking a trip somewhere. And not just to go for the sake of going… but to go on a trip that would truly bless the local church in the area I travel to, make a difference in the lives of people, and change their destiny forever.

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